Location. Location. Location


img_6302aHow do people find you?

85% of people are searching for local businesses online. You need to be where your customers are. Everyday more and more of your existing and potential customers are also searching on mobiles for the products and services they want and need.

The Importance of Images in Branding

Marketing tell us that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual and that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text. What does that mean? The best way to improve your branding is through your images and site design.

How Does this Translate Online?

67% of consumers say that clear, detailed images carry more weight than product information or customer ratings. The photos on your site should reflect the quality of your services, products, and brand and show how much you care about your clients. They should also look great and load quickly.

I build mobile friendly websites that help you grow your business and I will manage it all for you, which will save you time and allow you to focus on what you do best.